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Herbs & Spices

Certified Organic and Truly Raw from wild trees in Spain. 

Truly raw. They have taken special care not to heat it while grinding into a fine powder. This may be the only unheated carob available in North America! 

Carob is a mineral rich food that has a calming effect. Carob is high in fiber and rich in polyphenols that have strong antiviral and antiseptic properties, making it effective when given to treat bacterial-induced diarrhea. Carob is a wonderful substitute for cocoa because it contains fewer calories, is naturally sweet, and, unlike cocoa or sweet chocolate, is caffeine-free and non addictive and has no theobromine or oxalic acid. It's also low in fat and sodium, calcium-rich and a good source of potassium, while, unlike cacao and chocolate, it does not interfere with the body's ability to assimilate calcium.

Please note: This carob powder easily becomes chunky from being compressed in the original packaging. If you receive it in chunks, it can easily be returned to powder in a blender or food processor. 

Health Benefits


Wild-Harvested from Peru.

Cat's Claw Bark Powder (uncaria tomentosa) is one of the medicinal herbs from the Amazon rainforest and other South and Central America. This ancient plant enjoys a long history of yielding curative properties for joint disorders, treating viral infections, and improving immune function. Some indigenous tribes of South America even consider cat’s claw a sacred plant with spiritual significance. It was used to eliminate disturbances between the spirit and the body that were thought to be the reason for physical ailments. So, while there are many historical claims and anecdotal evidence to back cat’s claw’s potency, what does scientific information have to say about this rainforest vine? Let’s find out in our detailed cat’s claw review.

What is Cat’s Claw? The botanical name for cat’s claw is Uncaria. Uncaria has two prominent species, uncaria tomentosa and uncaria guianensis. Both herbs have different chemical structures with varying active compounds. And thus, they present different medicinal and therapeutic effects. Of the two, cat’s claw (uncaria tomentosa) is the better-researched species and seems to offer more health benefits than uncaria guianensis. The plant gets its name as its thorns resemble a cat’s claws. The outer bark of the plant has long fissures, whereas the inner bark has fibers. Inside, there is a watery sap possessing an astringent taste. The plant’s bark and root are where its therapeutic effects come from, and it gets processed into commercial preparations.

Main compounds  Cat’s claw contains several compounds, including the following: Alkaloids are naturally occurring constituents that have excellent antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. Proanthocyanidins are polyphenols that may help fight against cancer and possess anti-aging potential. H2 is another polyphenol that seems to work on reducing brain plaque, as seen in animal models. Glycosides are organic compounds of plant origins that possess anticancer and antitumor properties along with other biological effects. Tannins are phenolic compounds that may prevent diseases by providing antimicrobial and antioxidant benefits. Flavonoids are phytonutrients that help regulate cellular activity and fight off free radicals, causing oxidative stress on the body.

How Does Cat’s Claw Extract Work In The Brain? Cat’s claw may boost memory, learning, and mood. It offers a few different mechanisms that can help promote cognitive skills and improve overall brain health.

Mechanisms of Action Researchers claim that Uncaria Tomentosa increases brain-derived neurotrophic factor while controlling N-methyl-D-aspartate activity and shielding DNA content through its inflammation-fighting effects. Now, those are a lot of acronyms in one sentence, so let’s look at what they mean first. Brain-derived neurotrophic factor that promotes the survival of nerve cells by assisting their growth, maturation, and maintenance. N-methyl-D-aspartate is an amino acid. Overstimulation of NMDA receptors in the brain is involved in various mental health illnesses involving memory deficits like Alzheimer’s disease. Administering cat’s claw root for its brain-boosting effects shows that oral supplementation can potentially improve short-term memory, verbal, recall, and executive functions.

Works As Neuroprotectant Cat’s claw extracts also offer neuroprotective properties as it contains antioxidants to protect the brain from free radicals that may otherwise cause cell death. Because it can preserve DNA integrity and inhibit plaque formation in the brain, it goes a long way to care for brain health. What Are The Health Benefits of Cat’s Claw? Cat’s claw contains the right blend of anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, and antifungal properties. Also, some research indicates that this healing root has immune-modulating mechanisms that can revive and bolster an impaired immune system.

Based on these promising health benefits, cat’s claw extracts can do the following:

Improves Memory and Cognitive Performance Cat’s claw is considered a nootropic as it creates a synergy in the brain that reduces inflammation, promotes antioxidant activity, and corrects damage caused by free radicals. Together, these processes can lower the incidence of depression while bolstering focus, cognition, and information processing. Various clinical trials on cat’s claw extracts and the brain show it to cause an inhibition of beta-amyloid plaque formation. It dissolves these plaques that would otherwise affect memory.

Antioxidant and Anti-inflammatory (Neuroprotection) Cat’s claw possesses antioxidants and the ability to fight inflammation. The antioxidants work to ward off damage caused by free radicals, while inflammation can cause depression and dementia. In a neuroprotective capacity, the bark may help reduce the formation of plaques associated with Alzheimer’s disease. Plus, its ability to repair DNA in the brain makes it a stellar neuroprotective agent. It can help reduce inflammation in individuals with rheumatoid arthritis pain and stiffness, and these effects extend to the brain and neural network.

Boosts The Immune System Cat’s claw may also stimulate the immune system as part of its health benefits. Animal and human studies seem to validate this, with one study indicating an increase in white blood cell count. White blood cells are part of the body’s immune system, helping the body fight infections and other diseases. When study participants received 700 mg of cat’s claw daily for two months before being vaccinated for pneumonia, there was an increase in their white blood cell count. Another study with animal models investigating how cat’s claw may stimulate the immune system presented similar findings after subjects received cat’s claw extract for six weeks.

Relieves Symptoms of Rheumatoid Arthritis and Osteoarthritis This South American vine has perhaps received the most significant attention in treating health issues like rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis. Given its history of treating inflammatory diseases by the tribal people of South America, the practice carried over and is considered a non-pharmacological way of improving rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis symptoms. A few preliminary studies have investigated the effects of using cat’s claw for both rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis. Studies have looked at one of its compounds called pentacyclic oxindole alkaloid that possesses the potential to fight inflammation. For osteoarthritis, taking a daily dose of 100 mg for four weeks showed better pain relief and overall symptom improvement than the people taking a placebo. For rheumatoid arthritis, researchers administered 20 mg supplements 3 times a day for 24 weeks. Findings showed people taking cat’s claw extract to present a more significant reduction in pain than their placebo counterparts.

Helps With Treatment of Lyme Disease Lyme disease is a bacterial infection that spreads through the bite of black-legged ticks. The condition triggers an initial rash that can then cause other varying symptoms of the disorder. Considered a possible treatment for the infection, a supplement with cat’s claw may help with symptom management of Lyme disease. One study recruited people with a confirmed diagnosis and a history of the infection for 10 years with progressive symptom deterioration. Participants received cat’s claw supplementation while reducing or discontinuing other pharmaceutical use. At the end of the 26-week trial period, people using the extract reported greater improvements in managing symptoms such as joint and muscle pain, headaches, fatigue, sleep disturbances, and digestive distress.

Has Anti Cancer Properties Preliminary test-tube studies suggest that the pentacyclic oxindole alkaloid content in uncaria tomentosa may have some anti-tumor potential. Research indicates that pentacyclic oxindole alkaloid may be toxic to specific types of cancer cells. One earlier, in vivo study suggested that cat’s claw may prevent the growth of cancerous cells in breast cancer patients by having an anti-mutagenic and anti-proliferative effect on cancerous cells. Another study investigated the effects of the bark on leukemia. Four of the alkaloids found in this healing vine demonstrated the ability to restrict leukemia cell proliferation. Two of the alkaloids, namely uncarine F and pteropodine, were found most effective in inhibiting leukemia cell growth. They also induced affected cells to sustain apoptosis or programmed cell death. Another more recent study indicated that using cat’s claw extract for people with advanced cancer may help their quality of life and lower cancer-related fatigue (CRF). On another note, taking cat’s claw may also help with DNA repair often caused by chemotherapy damage and cancer drugs. One earlier 2001 study examined the effects of cat’s claw extract on people receiving chemotherapy treatment. Uncaria Tomentosa extract was administered for 8 weeks, showing a reduction in DNA damage to affected cells. Also, people receiving cat’s claw supplements exhibited an increase in white blood cell count generation. This finding is significant as chemotherapy typically lowers white blood cell counts, increasing the risk of infection. All this information shows promising evidence regarding cancer treatment, but they are still few and far between. More research is still needed to use safely and effectively use the bark for treating cancer.

Lowers Blood Pressure Cat’s claw is considered a treatment for lowering blood pressure in Traditional Chinese Medicine. Another variety of cat’s claw called Uncaria Rhynchophylla prevents platelet aggregation and blood clotting. With a mechanism similar to blood thinners, it can help lower blood pressure and improve circulation. This supplement may also prevent plaque and arterial blood clot formation. Alkaloids are known as hirsutines in cat’s claw, act as calcium channel blockers, blocking calcium from permeating the walls of the heart and blood vessels. The same can also widen and relax blood vessels, allowing this activity to promote blood flow healthily.

How To Take Cat’s Claw Traditional uses of cat’s claw included boiling the root or bark for an hour or so and drinking it up as a concoction. To overcome the intense flavor, you have the option of mixing in some honey to make it more palatable.

Dosage: There are no recommended dosage guidelines for using cat’s claw, and any recommendations typically come from the manufacturer. 500mg - 1000mg daily should be a reasonable dose based on research results. Or 1tsp, 1 to 2 times per day. 

How long does it take for Cat’s Claw to work? Cat’s claw is one of those nootropics that take a bit of time to show effects. Some studies indicate it takes up to eight weeks for cat’s claw to yield its full effects. Some others show that managing symptoms of conditions like knee pain, for instance, may provide relief within a week of starting supplementation. What Are The Side Effects of Cat’s Claw? Many of the evidence gathered for the benefits of cat’s claw comes from test-tube studies, small-scale clinical trials or case reports, and research is done on animals. In this sense, a lot more information is still required to treat severe health problems. However, most of the published clinical trials have ranged from four weeks to a year-long with significantly few side effects. Evidence shows the most common complaints to be symptoms like nausea, diarrhea, or an upset stomach. This probably happens because cat’s claw possesses a fair amount of tannins and only occurs when the extract is consumed in quantities exceeding the recommended dosage amounts. People with certain health conditions should not use cat’s claw supplements. This includes anyone with an autoimmune disease, blood pressure concerns, stomach ulcers, leukemia, or kidney problems. The herb can slow blood clotting, so people with bleeding disorders or others using anticoagulants should not take a cat’s claw supplement. Anyone scheduled for surgery should also stop taking cat’s claw two weeks before their surgery date. The herb can present drug interactions, so people using certain medications should not use cat’s claw. Common drug interactions include medicines for high blood pressure and immune-modulating drugs. You should also talk to your doctor first if you have any ongoing health condition, illness, or diseases like systemic lupus erythematosus, multiple sclerosis, or Parkinson’s disease.

Conclusion Cat’s claw is one of the best natural treatments for boosting immunity, fighting infections, treating arthritis, and lowering blood pressure. It is a time-honored remedy with minor side effects unless you have health issues that conflict with its use. After looking at the strengths and limitations of this South American vine, we feel that it has a lot to offer in diverse areas of healing. So, if you don’t have medical conditions that require taking medications, we would recommend it to be a supplement worth trying out.

FAQs Can you take cat’s claw every day? Cat’s claw is safe to take every day as long as you don’t have any of the specific health conditions mentioned above. You should also not take supplements if you are taking certain medications for your conditions.

Is cat’s claw antiviral? Cat’s claw possesses antiviral, antifungal, and antibacterial features as it has been used successfully to treat infections like Lyme disease.

Does cat’s claw help you sleep? Cat’s claw is not a sleep aid per se, but it does ward off fatigue. This mechanism can make it easier for you to fall asleep and get a good rest.

Is cat’s claw good for anxiety? Cat’s claw can boost tryptophan levels which increases serotonin and may yield a calming effect.

Written by Steven Roberts


Certified Organic from India.

This has a low heat rating of 35K H.U. 

Much scientific research has been initiated to validate what naturopathic practitioners have known for years: It can stop heart attacks, nourish the heart with vital nutrients, remove plaque from the arteries, help rebuild flesh destroyed or harmed by frosbite, heal hemorrhoids, re-build stomach tissue, heal stomach ulcers, and can mitigate the most wrenching of diseases.

Continuing, it is great for circulation, can rebuild blood cells, lowers cholesterol, emulsifies triglycerides, removes toxins from the bloodstream and improves overall heart health. It's even a great insect repellent. As mentioned, it can also heal ulcers, which seems contradictory considering its native calidity or heat.

It immediately equalizes blood pressure in your system, shrinks hemorrhoids, and heals the gall bladder. It can be used as a diuretic as well helping in elimination both with urine and with the built-up fecal matter in the intestines. It has wonderful, scientifically-proven antifungal properties as well. This is by no means a comprehensive list.

Cayenne Pepper - The King of Herbs 


Certified Organic from Egypt. 

This common herb is capable of mobilizing mercury, cadmium, lead and aluminum in both bones and the central nervous system. It is probably the only effective agent in mobilizing mercury stored in the inracellular space (attached to mitochondria, tubulin, liposomes etc) and in the nucleus of the cell (reversing DNA damage of mercury). Because cilantro mobilizes more toxins then it can carry out of the body, it may flood the connective tissue (where the nerves reside) with metals, that were previously stored in safer hiding places. This process is called re- toxification. It can easily be avoided by simultaneously giving an intestinal toxin-absorbing agent. Our definite choice is the algal organism chlorella. A recent animal study demonstrated rapid removal of aluminum from the skeleton superior to any known other detox agent. 

Dosage and application:  Make tea with 1 Tbsp of dried cilantro, 2 times /day in the beginning; drink tea just before a meal OR 30 minutes after taking Chlorella.

Gradually increase dose to 3 Tbsp, 3 times/day, for full benefit. During the initial phase of the detox cilantro should be given 1 week on, 2 –3 weeks off. 

*1 Tbsp dried = 4 Tbsp fresh.

(cilantro causes the gallbadder to dump bile - containing the excreted neurotoxins - into the small intestine. The bile -release occurs naturally as we are eating and is much enhanced by cilantro. If no chlorella is taken, most neurotoxins are reabsorbed on the way down the small intestine by the abundant nerve endings of the enteric nervous system).


Certified Organic from Sri Lanka (Ceylon).

Ceylon cinnamon is not the same as the common cinnamon, Cassia, and has been hailed as the "true cinnamon" or the "real cinnamon" that possesses outstanding health benefits, especially for diabetics and those challenged by obesity and high cholesterol issues.

Cinnamon quality varies with the seasons. The best powder comes during the winter and this is what our powder is made from.

Ceylon cinnamon is considered to be the most delicate among the major species of cinnamon. Its flavor is more mild, less bitter, and has a sweet finish. It has a sweet aromatic smell. Whereas, cassia shares a strong, spicy-sweet flavor, and aroma.


Certified organic from India.

Gingers therapeutic properties, range from alleviating upset stomach to providing pain relief during motion intensive travel, many of these properties are being substantiated through a vast array of scientific studies.


Certified organic from Peru.

Gingers therapeutic properties, range from alleviating upset stomach to providing pain relief during motion intensive travel, many of these properties are being substantiated through a vast array of scientific studies.


Graviola Leaf Powder from Peru.

Traditional medicines use leaves from the graviola tree, a.k.a. soursop, native to the Amazon rainforest and other in tropical areas of the Americas. Widely promoted as a possible alternative treatment for cancer, pain reduction and infections. 

Suggested dosage: 1-2 tsp/day in water

More info




Certified Organic herbs from India, USA and Europe.

Ingredients: Slippery Elm, Licorice Root and Marshmallow Root. 

“If we can create a more suitable intestinal environment for more beneficial bacteria, and repopulate the gut with colonizing probiotics that will rebuild a healthy microbiome, this is a great step towards digestive health and self-sufficiency without taking lifelong probiotics.” Excerpt From: Douillard, John. “Eat Wheat: A Scientific and Clinically-Proven Approach to Safely Bringing Wheat and Dairy Back Into Your Diet."

The following is a 2-step comprehensive plan for restoring gut health:
1. Support intestinal mucus membranes by bringing your elimination back into balance with this soluble-fiber tea made from a slippery elm, licorice root, and marshmallow root mixture to create the best possible environment for healthy microbes to thrive.
2. Introduce healthy, colonizing probiotics (Gutpro/MegaSpore) for a few months—instead of the rest of your life with transient probiotics—to help establish new beneficial, permanent bacterial residents to proliferate in your gut and enhance your health and digestion.
1. Soak 3 or 4 tablespoons of the pre-mixed herbs in 2 quarts of water overnight.  (Soaking overnight is not mandatory, but it gives you a stronger decoction.)
3. Boil the mixture down to 1/2 quart in the morning.
4. Strain the mixture through a metal strainer, using a large spoon to push it through.
5. Save the liquid and discard the herbs. (This should make 2 cups).
6. Take 1 tablespoon of the liquid every 2 hours on an empty stomach for 1 month, and sometimes for 2 months if needed.

Note: If there is an overgrowth of undesirable bacteria in the small and large intestines, There is clinical success adding a beneficial yeast called Saccharomyces Boulardii, which has been shown to knock out undesirable yeast and bacteria in the digestive tract.


Certified Organic from Peru.

It is claimed to give stamina, maintain hormonal balance, to treat loss of interest in sex and menopause symptoms, general health and well being, Unlike other energy boosters it does not have any side effects. Dried at low temperature.

more information


Certified organic from Peru.

Mesquite comes from the mesquite tree, native to the southwestern area of the USA, Mexico and South America. The mesquite pods are part of the legume family and are known for their nutritional content and medicinal powers. It has been used by traditional cultures as a flour and sweetener, and also as a home remedy for ailments such as: athlete's foot, insect stings, to improve bowel movements and more. 

Mesquite powder is known for its high fiber content, low glycemic index, high mineral content, potential anti-fungal properties, immune-boosting abilities and high protein content. It is a good source of omega 3's, iron, potassium, zinc, lysine, and manganese. 

Enjoy it in: a smoothie, oatmeal, raw chocolate, baking , etc.  


Certified organic from India.

Scientists agree this is the most nutrient dense botanical on earth weighing in with over 92 verifiable cell-ready nutrients including 46 antioxidants, 36 anti-inflammatories, vitamins, minerals, omega oils and 18 amino acids (vital proteins) including nine that are rarely found intact within our present food chain. And it tastes good too!

Gram for Gram, Fresh Moringa Leaves contain:
4 Times the Calcium of Milk
3 Times the Potassium of Bananas
4 Times the Vitamin A of Carrots
7 Times the Vitamin C of Oranges
2 Times the Protein of Yogurt




Please notify me when this product is back in stock.

*New stock and it is bright green and a fine powder.

Certified Organic from India.

Scientists agree this is the most nutrient dense botanical on earth weighing in with over 92 verifiable cell-ready nutrients including 46 antioxidants, 36 anti-inflammatories, vitamins, minerals, omega oils and 18 amino acids (vital proteins) including nine that are rarely found intact within our present food chain. And it tastes good too!

Gram for Gram, Fresh Moringa Leaves contain:

4 Times the Calcium of Milk
3 Times the Potassium of Bananas
4 Times the Vitamin A of Carrots
7 Times the Vitamin C of Oranges
2 Times the Protein of Yogurt


Certified Organic from India.

Nature's Antiseptic, Anti-Fungal Anti-Bacterial and Anti Viral.

In India, Neem is known as "the village pharmacy." It has been used in Ayurvedic Medicine for thousands of years.

It has been used to:

  • improve the immune system.
  • kill internal parasites
  • treat yeast infections and allergies.
  • detoxify the blood and eliminate radiation poisoning from the body.
  • treat diabetes, ulcers, gout, hypertension and heart disease.
  • promote healthy circulation and improve liver, lung and digestive functions.
  • improve general skin health, relieving dry, itching skin and bacterial infections like acne and boils.
  • help relieve inflammation from arthritis and other diseases.
  • treat chickenpox and warts by directly applying to the skin in a paste form or by bathing in water with neem ieaves.
  • It is also used as a foot soak for treating various foot fungi.
  • It can be used to rinse the hair for health and strength and to prevent greying
  • Its anti-bacterial properties have been used to help fight scabies.

To Prepare:
One can use a handful of Neem leaves per quart of water. Heat leaves on
a slow boil for ten minutes or more.
Neem has a bitter taste. Adding honey and fresh mint will enhance the flavor.

Book: Neem-A Tree For Solving Global Problems   

Find lots of info at the Neem Foundation



Ingredients: Nettles, Oatstraw, and Horsetail.

These herbs are found to have exceptionally high levels of natural silica as well as other nutrients that are very good for the teeth and bones. Users have reported that this tea can help teeth to heal from decay. You can make tea with cold water by soaking it overnight or by steeping in hot water. The silica in these herbs converts to calcium. The other herbs work in close conjunction with this master calcium herb.

We need calcium to build strong nerve sheaths, vein and artery walls, bones, teeth, etc. This combination is helpful for cramps, “Charlie horses,” successful pregnancies, healthy bones, teeth, hair, skin and nails, healthy eyes and for all calcium needs in the body. It is helpful for everyone. It is also known to promote digestion and cleansing of the body.

Traditionally used as a Dietary Supplement when the following conditions are present:
Arterial Disease, Arthritis, Atherosclerosis, Bones , Brittle, Brittle, Broken, CVI, Chronic Venous Insufficiency, Coronary Artery Disease, Degenerative, Dental Disease, Gingivitis, Gout, Gum Disease, Hardening Of The Arteries, Nails , Nerves , Osteo, Osteoporosis, Periodontal Disease, Plaque Arterial, Pregnancy, Pyorrhea, Rheumatoid, Support, Varicose Veins, Yellow Nail Syndrome.

This tea tastes very good in combitaion with Gut Tea, as well.


Certified Organic from Peru. Minimum 5-6% curcumin

Turmeric (Curcuma longa) from the ginger family, Zingiberaceae is native to southwest India, and comes from the root of the Curcuma longa plant. Turmeric has long been used as a powerful anti-inflammatory in both the Chinese and Indian systems of medicine and has been considered as the most effective nutritional supplement in existence.

Curcumin is thought to be the primary pharmacological agent in turmeric and the volatile oil fraction of turmeric has demonstrated significant anti-inflammatory activity.In numerous studies, curcumin’s anti-inflammatory effects have been shown to be comparable to potent drugs and over-the-counter anti-inflammatory agents. Unlike the drugs, curcumin produces no toxicity. Curcumin is a potent anti-inflammatory and its antioxidant properties have been known to have beneficial effects on several factors known to play a role in heart disease. As evidence suggests, Curcumin can cross the blood-brain barrier and has also shown some promise in treating depression by boosting the brain neurotransmitters serotonin and dopamine.

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Certified Organic from Uganda. 

Pure, ground whole vanilla is made from top quality Ugandan vanilla beans from Amfri farms.

"The company’s flagship plantation, 88 years old, 1,497 acre (600 hectare) kyampisi estates is certified organic of which over 700 acres (300ha) are certified bio dynamic, Demeter – the only such plantation on the equatorial belt in the entire world."

This is 100% pure ground vanilla. Unheated and Certified Organic.

Learn more: 


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