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How to Decline Vaccination

How to LEGALLY Decline a Vaccine: 1. Do not REFUSE a vaccine otherwise you will be considered a belligerent. Instead you can politely decline their services by doing the following: 2. Ask the Doctor if the vaccine contains MRC-5 in it (they all do, these are aborted fetal cells and other DNA) If it does, you have the RIGHT to decline. 3. Ask the Doctor if there is the possibility of “Lactogenic reaction” (an adverse reaction caused by multiple compounds or drugs interacting with each other) from the vaccine (they all do). When the Doctor says “yes it does”, that is your “get out of Vaccine Jail Free Card”. Thank you the Doctor for the offer and walk away. Remember, Doctors have sworn an hippocratic oath (which is to do no harm) and they MUST honour it. This is how we can Legally (and respectfully) decline their offered mandated services, and there is absolutely NOTHING they can do about it! Now you know. Vaccine Ingredients: MSG, antifreeze, formaldehyde, aluminum, glycerin, lead, cadmium, sulphates, yeast, proteins, antibiotics, acetone, neomycin, streptomycin, mercury, monkey kidney, dog kidney, chick embryo, chicken egg, duck egg, calf serum, aborted fetal tissue, pig blood, horse blood, rabbit brain, guinea pig, cow heart, animal viruses, insect cells, silkworm DNA, etc

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